I like to stay on top of things that go on in the Strength and Conditioning field. I listen to Podcasts, read articles, follow a few Strength and Conditioning Coaches, and the one thing that becomes apparent is that in all of the continuing education, a theme resonates..."To have a successful program, you need to master the BASICS".
The thread wraps itself around a few Strength and Conditioning coaches and a couple "trainers" that have gained a lot of respect and admiration around the world.
Now understand this...there are also a LOT MORE "coaches and trainers" who are looking to make their "niche" and are putting out some of the stupidest shit I've seen and heard.
People promising championships and professional athletes in a minimum amount of time all while doing what Jim Wendler one time referred to as, "Circus Tricks" for exercise. BE AWARE of these Bozos, just saying...
The body moves in five ways. It squats, it lunges, it pushes it pulls, and it twists. THAT'S IT!
My program consists of Squats, Bench, Deadlift, and Overhead Press which I use as my primary movements or the "Entree" to the menu.
For accessories or "Side dishes" I use an array of movements that while remaining BASIC, add to the primary move to train up the weakness found in the main.
Then to end a training session or the MEAL of champions I may add one to two "Bodybuilding" type exercises. This is the dessert! Just for the "pump".
But the entire session remains BASIC! Nothing fancy.
Training the Basics has produced more and better returns by MISTAKE than most of the new "sexy Circus Tricks" that are now being promoted.
Today's Training:
Stretch/Mobility: 15 minutes in between sets of:
GHR: 5x12
Ab Wheel: 4x12
Low Box Squat w/ SSB Yoke Bar and a three-count pause at the bottom: 6 rep max.
Narrow Stance Low Box Squat: 5x12
BOSU Sit-up: 125