We are ramping things up a bit more. I asked everyone to be on the start time and to end the session exactly an hour later. This includes the warm ups AND the Conditioning.
Those that showed up late (I know it's Saturday) had less time to accomplish this objective! Too bad for YOU!
The next directive is to absolutely REST tomorrow.
What does that mean?
It means, do the stuff normal mortals do. Sleep in, eat a fun breakfast with family and/or friends.
UNFUCKINGPLUG from Social Media, or better yet...the entire Internet. Go to lunch with some friends. Do NOT...prepare for tomorrow or the week. That isn't guaranteed to anyone.
Communicate with YOUR God, or if you don't believe in God, MEDITATE for yourself.
Do not even ACTIVELY rest! (I don't get that one anyway)
REST! Let your body AND mind unplug and recuperate.
We will get back after it come Monday!
Today's Team Training:
I was questioned yesterday as to whether I had a typo on the set x reps that I posted. HA! No! It may seem like a LOT (it is) but we have worked steadily from Ground Zero. If you had missed any of the beginning sessions and you jump in at this spot, good chances it will test your soul. Yes, it will continue to get harder. I said at the beginning of this phase, stay patient, stay on target!
DB Row: 10x13
BB Curl: 10x13
Rope Attachment Tricep Push down: 10x13
* All weights and bar selection should remain the same as it was on Wed.
THIS Session should be no longer and hard stopped at 60 minutes. Get moving and STAY moving.
Row or AirDyne: 10x12 second all out sprint/ 48 second recovery.