This weekend I had two friends...no, no, no...I mean REAL friends pass away. I lamented and thought about each in my own way that I choose to remember them. They were (are) both great guys and each had much different personalities than my own. Perhaps that's why I loved them so. We knew about each other, we knew what made the other guy tick, and we knew the boundaries that we each played. I believe that I have gained so much more knowing THEM than they did knowing me.
Gentle hearted, yet tough. Caring without being run over and a sap. Mischievous yet still with morals, ethics and compassion.
It always takes a large milepost to get someone to do better, to think of their own mortality and the legacy we each choose to leave.
I have always said to leave a place a bit better than you found it upon arrival, yet WHAT REALLY have I done? What have YOU really done?
From Ed Coan's request to pick up three plastic things on the beach when you visit it, To the Navy SEAL Admiral who suggests making your bed DAILY, to my friend Padma who combs the parks and picks trash up until she runs out of hands, WHAT HAVE YOU AND I DONE...REALLY?
I am NOT waiting for my portal to go meet my maker, or if you don't believe...become worm bait.
You CAN be a tough person and STILL do all those things that will better the environment, not only nature but your personal surroundings including family and friends.
Be the person you hope someone kind will say wonderful things about.
Basically STOP whining and STOP being a Dick!
I have stated in the past, with all the if's, should've, and could haves...If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle!
Don't wait to become awesome...BE AWESOME!
Today's Training Assignment:
2 hole Pin Pull to a heavy TWO reps
Dead Lift for Reps: 5x10 at the same weight you did four sets last week
Lat Pulldown: 5x10
Back Extension: 5x10
C/S Row: 5x10
Concept II Rowing Ergometer: 20 minutes
Bike Commute: 30 minutes (had to make a stop off on the way home)
Run: 10x50 yards @75%