I was asked to be on the number one show in Boston drive time radio, the Greg Hill show on Wednesday.
The lovely Danielle, one of the show’s hosts and a pal of mine texted me the day before and asked if I wanted to come on. As if there would be anything but a YES.
So, she set it up and I went on.
We discussed a lot of things related to the City of Boston’s new draconian restrictions on business, and I shared a lot of data the we collected in MIFO.
MIFO is the Mass Independent Fitness Operators political action group that I am on the Board of Directors for.
Rather than tell you all about it, I am giving you a handy link to listen to it.
I think it went well.
Let me know what you think.
I kept my swear filter on the whole time.
Not one F bomb slipped out. Impressive right?
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Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
December 18, 2020