Heading out in the morning for a family cruise for the Holidays. The timing is pretty good because I pushed really hard the last 3 months and because I pushed so hard from the start (with diet), I really believe that progress started slowing this last month for that very reason. The only real option I had left to get rid of more body fat was to go up quite a bit with my cardio. I mentioned several times in the last 3 months that I did not want to do that but ended up having to.
I am not exactly were I want to be, yet, as I have another 6 pounds to go. I will take that on in December and hopefully come into the first of the year exactly where I want to be.
I am a hypocrite because I always tell people to not diet through a Holiday or vacation unless they are doing a show but I have worked way too hard and I am very close to where I want to be and I am not going to let vacation eating screw this up and set me up for even more work when I get back.
I will enjoy some food - don't get me wrong. However, the large majority of the diet is going to be clean and tight. I have meals prepared for the drive down there and I am also taking protein powder with me to help me stay tight. I will be eating the food on the ship but I will be careful to have it as clean as I can.
On the weekends I am going to load for a good part of Saturday and then on Sunday instead of just 1 day like I have been doing for the last few weeks. I feel that my metabolism is stale right now and that is why I am not progressing as well as I was before. Eating more calories during the week and then loading for a long time on the weekend should help to have me in a better place when I get back so that I can continue on and get these last handful of pounds off before the 1st of the year. I plan to start the training footage for the DVD hopefully in February.
I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving; I know I will.