Not even 72 hours ago I was treading water in the South Pacific in turquoise blue water that you could see a fathom deep, looking back at the Jungle's canopy and having dialog with my new found friends (the monkeys and parrots) when I was but a phone call away from NEVER returning.
Yup, I'm like that. Go off the Grid and drop off the face of the planet. No problemo.
That's when April reminded me that I had to officiate the marriage of two people that I brought together through my gym the next day.
Got those two married off, and then proceeded to "get back to normal". However, I am one of those people that CAN'T! Once I am stretched to new dimensions, I can't simply return. That's when I thought...hmmm....no one can, really. The new becomes a part of you and that is the new NORMAL.
I had to get away! Simple fact that I was nearing homicidal levels before heading to Costa Rica. It took me less than a day to unravel and kick back to what I've grown accustom to in that Kenny Chesney No shirt, No shoes, No problem lifestyle.
Once I got comfortable, it hit me! We spend so much time and energy planning for the future or worry and proliferate over things we've done (or regretted) in the past, that we forget how to LIVE in the moment.
It cleared up for me when I told my lovely esposa, that we need to become patient with the future, and let go of the the past. What we are doing right now is the IMPORTANT thing and not so much the urgent thing!!!
I liked that and wrote it down. "Plan for the future but be patient. Let the past go, nothing you do can change it. Right NOW is important and the urgent can sort itself out".
Let's see how long this lasts! I'm planning on it with patients. Ahahahahahaha
Today's training:
Dead Lift: 6 reps HEAVY (I did really well. Guess it's true that everyone should step away from the platform every now and again)
Straight Leg Dead Lift: 30 reps @ 135 in no more than 3 sets Done in Two
Suspended Knees to Elbows: 30 reps. Done in two
Lat Pulldown: 30 reps @170 Done in two
45 degree Back Extension: 30 reps Done in two sets
Bentover Barbell Row: 30 reps @135 Done in Two sets
Reverse Hyper: 30 reps
Bike Commute: 20 minutes
Run: Sprints
10x50 yards @75%