I ride my bicycle instead of driving a car. It's for the most part, really good for me as it corrects my attitude while heading into work.
I open the gym at 4:30 AM which means I start my commute at 4:00. California is known for its horrible traffic as well as driver, but at this hour of the morning, there is a vague chance of either, so I "bend the driving laws" a little. I've done it a number of times over the years and getting "pulled over" or "lit up" (as the Officers will call it) isn't a new thing for me. Also, I'm a suspect at this hour on a bicycle. The people riding bikes at this hour for the most part are people who break into cars or are crack addicts.
As I approached the intersection of a normally busy road, I saw only one car in the eastbound lane of a six-lane surface street. "Plenty of time", I think to myself, so I ignore the red light and continue through and then make a left into the westbound lanes.
As I pass the vehicle, I notice it's local law enforcement and think, "Nah...he has better things to do than to mess with me".
Well, I didn't!
He flipped around and got behind me and "lit me up".
With the spotlight on me and the flashing lights acknowledging other people (which there were none if you remember) that someone broke the law, the "LEO" approaches me and asks, "Do you know why I pulled you over?"
I figure this is going to be GREAT!
I told him that I understood him "enforcing the law as I blew past the redlight, but to be clear I also rode my bike through the BART station (local mass transit and there are signs all over saying to walk your bike) and further back I didn't use the intersection at all. That I jumped the curbs with my mountain bike, AND that I was speeding because at last check I was turning at Mach II with my butt on fire."
"Since I was on such a fine roll, I then continued with the lines of Hub McCann in the movie "Second Hand Lion", I told the officer, "I'm Hub McCann. I've fought in two Wars and countless smaller ones on two continents. I led men into battle with everything from helicopters and heat-seeking missiles to artillery and knives. I've seen the headwaters of the Nile, and tribes of natives no white man had ever seen before. I've won and lost a dozen fortunes, KILLED MANY MEN, and loved only one woman with a passion a normal man could never begin to understand."Since I was on such a fine roll, I then continued with the lines of Hub McCann in the movie "Second Hand Lion", I told the officer, "I'm Hub McCann. I've fought in two Wars and countless smaller ones on two continents. I led men into battle with everything from helicopters and heat-seeking missiles to artillery and knives. I've seen the headwaters of the Nile, and tribes of natives no white man had ever seen before. I've won and lost a dozen fortunes, KILLED MANY MEN, and loved only one woman with a passion a normal man could never begin to understand."
The officer looked at me as if I were totally retarded and asked, "Second Hand Lion?"
To which I acknowledged with a simple, "Yup".
He told me he liked that movie and for me to follow the rules of the road and not to get killed!
I agreed and then bid farewell.
WE had a great day training this morning at my gym!
Today's Training:
Shoulder Reliever*
Cycle*: Commute
Prowler: 12x 80 yds
Daily 8:
- Blast Strap Row: 55 reps
- Pushups: 55 reps
- 45-degree Back Extension: 3x10
- GHR:3x10
- Chin-ups:3x5
- Dips:3x10
- Fat Grip Dead Hang: 35 seconds
- Front Plank: 50 seconds
GHR: (again) 4x10
Dynamic Squat: 10x2 (using the SSB Yoke Bar)
Split Squat: 4x6 on each leg
Decline Situps: 3x10
4-way Neck: 1x8
Cycle*: Commute