I don't watch Professional football for my own reasons. However, I heard that the New England Patriots and Tom Brady won again and will be playing in the Super Bowl...again!
At the gym I heard a lot of commotion about how tired people are of the same scenario...Brady, Patriots, Belechek, Kraft, etcetera, etcetera. I heard the same thing during the Yankee's reign on the World Championship, and the Golden State Warriors as of recent times.
I get it! You're tired of the same old same old, but to what end? People are Hating or are offended by so much these days about EVERYTHING, that they can't see the GREATNESS that surrounds them.
Hate him if you want, but NO ONE had done what Tom Brady has done, nor what the Patriots are attempting.
Why is it that people can't get past themselves and look at the bigger picture?
How can you hope for someone to lose? "If so and so, on the Warriors gets hurt..." WHAT? You actually are hoping for someone to get injured? How ridiculous is that?
I remember how many people HATED Muhammad Ali. Draft evasion, sentenced and jailed. They hated him so much that anyone that could tag him and beat him was a far better experience than the GREATEST of ALL Time to win the Heavyweight title.
Ali was by far a history making man.
Tom Brady is too.
I won't even begin to touch the political arena, but folks...the hatred is such a waste of good energy that could be put to better use.
I've been angry, but never have I been outwardly cruel!
Everyone is watching HISTORY being made (Daily and all around them) and missing it because of the negative stinking thinking.
No flowers, no love thy neighbor hippie bullshit. Just don't miss the grandeur that is TODAY!
Today's Training:
AirDyne Bike: 17 minutes
Leg Swing: 20
Leg Abduction Swing: 20
Walking Lunge: 20 each leg
Frankensteins: 20 each leg
Butt Kicks: 20 each leg
Dead Lift:
2 Pin pull- Work up to a heavy 6 reps with a double overhand grip
Then do 3x10@55% of the heaviest weight
Single Leg RDL: 3x10@ 65
Lat Pulldown: 3x10@150 for men 70 for women
Back Extensions: 3x10
Run: 5 K