I am so disappointed with some people. I can't believe what I just read. The narcissism in some makes me want to Throat Punch the life out of them. I am normally a tolerant person (since going on the medication) but the "Enough about me. What do you think about me? personality has me so very disheartened. How about having a slice of humble pie before you get force fed?
I'm not one for false humility either. But when the audience disappears and the high shelf is taken out. What's left? A hollow shell of empty promises. Empty promises because there was no backbone to speak of, only wishbone.
Is this hitting home? If you think it's about you (as you normally do) then it is!
Know this...the time will come that we are in the same room and your antics of "all about me" is going to get called out, and it will be by me. The person you normally think of as a nice easy going guy.
I'll come off the meds just to blast your esophagus so hard that you'll have no room for that humble pie.
Now back to your regularly scheduled program.
I don't usually have mean things to say, unless they are as blatant as what I just consumed.
The whole persona this person has tried to develop can cave in with a couple quick strikes of my keyboard because I DON'T call people out to embarrass them. I don't curse, so when I do use a well placed four letter word it has much more impact.
Can you tell I'm a bit miffed?
Now seriously back to your regularly scheduled Harry.
(Perhaps more medication)
Suspended Knee Ups: 4x12
Cable Wood Chops: 3x12x35
Stability Ball Planks with a forward/backward movement of the elbows on the ball: 3x10
Squat with Mastodon Bar: 5x10x100
Axl Dead Lift from the 3rd pin: 10x1x135
GHR: 4x10