Here's another Holiday and I love to read those words..."I'm lifting before we..." "I'm getting it done....." I'm (insert the lift) before/after/during because I can't miss out on my goals"
How about..."I have nothing else going on that makes me a fun person to be around other than my time spent alone in a gym keeping the owner there, while I live my life of meaningless mediocrity"
Seriously! How many of you are being paid the BIG money for your lift?
How much do you miss out, because the hamburger you hoist today doesn't fit your macros?
You paste all over the internet your phenomenal lifting in a gym.
I'm a GYM RAT for goodness sakes. I post the workouts I do, because EliteFTS pays me billions of dollars per year for doing so. *(and I am contractually obligated and will forfeit my ownership of my son, if I don't) BUT...if it weren't for that, I'd post up pictures of me slamming back Patriotic Adult beverages while consuming mass amounts of BBQ dead animals.
I'm going to blow stuff up later, because...I like to blow things up.
And...I'm not only going to celebrate a date...I'm going to celebrate my INDE(elf's) PENDENCE!!!
So all you HARDCORE, white rimmed sunglass wearing skinny neck S.O.B's...go blow something up. You may like that as much as you like "da pump".
DB Lateral Raise: 3 sets
DB Rear Delt Raise: 3 sets
BB Military Press: 5 sets
Shrugs: 3 sets
Incline Bench Press: 5 sets
Bench: From the bottom UP. Work up to a heavy 5 reps.
Riding bikes with my family to and fro.
Slipping in and out of a coma in my hammock
Making sure we have marshmallows for s'mores later on.
ENJOYING life, and not worrying about what's next, only what's NOW!