While I’d love nothing better than to say we ONLY HAVE 3 SPOTS left the truth is we’ve fallen short on our attendance expectations on this one. Maybe it’s the wrong time of year, topics, presenters, location, or that we simply give away too much content for free. Regardless this is whats going to happen...
The event will go on but I’m only going to leave registration open for the rest of the week and then close it down. This way we will keep the attendance down creating a far more rewarding experience for those who’ve signed up. I’d close it now but know of a handful who were waiting for their admission approval.
For More Information Click Here
For now, I’m going to say we will close it off before Friday this week.
No comps, no discounts, no favors and so on. If we’re going to do this with half the expected attendance you can bet your ass I’m going to make sure the experience for those who support this will be double their expectations!
Looking forward to this and can’t wait to see you there.
elitefts Strong(er) Sports Training & Success Summit
April 26th - 28th, 2019
elitefts Compound
London, Ohio 43140
The most credible Strength Training and Success event of the year!
Focused presentations, workshops and QA’s by Dave Tate, Eric Serrano, Joe Bennett, Julia Anto, Alwyn Cosgrove, JL Holdsworth, Dr. Ken Kinakin, Buddy Morris.
Trusted in helping athletes, coaches and trainers achieve and exceed their strength & conditioning, training and success desires for over 200 hundred combined years.
Strength and passion within the industry, coupled with the ability to teach in ways that will allow you to become better.
Live, Learn, Pass on…
- Dave Tate