In my last write up I mentioned what we had been doing leading up to playing a spring season. Well, we played a game and we're in-season.
I may have mentioned this ( I can't remember), but I think I tried to get too much done given the situation we were in pre-season. I made adjustments as we went along, but my initial plan was too much. If you're like I am, you can get caught up in all the nonsense from the "experts" that tell you that you have to do this or that... At the end of the day, sound training principles executed well are better than the newest, greatest gimmick that's coming down the pike.
As we're into the season this is what the basic set-up looks like. As always, adjustments will be made, but this is the starting point.
- Trap Bar: 5x5 (5/3/1 Progression)
- Pull-ups: 5 sets (reps assigned based on the week)
- Upper Circuit
- Incline/Press/Dips/Push-ups (choose 1): 40-50 total reps
- DB Row/T-Bar Row/Fat Man Row/Pull-ups (choose 1): 40-50 reps
- Abs/Posterior Chain
- Hanging Leg Raises/Weighted Sit-ups/Rollouts (choose 1): 2-3x10
- RDL/GHR/Band GM's (choose 1): 2-3x10-15
- Neck/Traps
- Shrugs/CS Lateral Raises/Pull-aparts/Face Pulls (choose 1): 30-50 reps
- Neck Flexion/Extension: 20-30 reps each
- Team Mobility
- Bench: 5x5 (5/3/1 Progression)
- Jumps (these will vary - 10-20 touches depending on type)
- Upper Circuit
- Incline/Press/Dips/Push-ups (choose 1): 30-40 reps
- DB Row/T-Bar Row/Pull-ups/Fat Man Rows (choose 1): 30-40 reps
- Neck/Traps/Gunshow
- Shrugs/CS Lateral Raises/Pull-aparts/Face Pulls (choose 1): 20-30 reps
- Neck Flexion/Extension: 20-30 reps each
- Biceps/Triceps: 30-50 each
- Team Mobility
We do uni-lateral and bi-lateral lower body work as part of our warm-up everyday so I don't mind not doing any in the second workout. We spend more time with Team Mobility in Workout 2.
The progression I'll be following is a bit different than what I've used in the past. Very simply, we'll always be coming back to our Light Week (75%). Also, our Trap Bar and Bench work will alternate. Meaning, if we Trap Bar "heavy" we'll be Benching "light" that week.
- Week 1: Trap Bar - 75%/Bench - 80%
- Week 2: Trap Bar - 80%/Bench - 75%
- Week 3: Trap Bar - 75%/Bench - 85%
- Week 4: Trap Bar - 85%/Bench - 75%
- Week 5: Trap Bar - 75%/Bench - 80%
- Week 6: Trap Bar - 80%/Bench - 75%
- Week 7: Trap Bar - 75%/Bench - 85%
- Week 8: Trap Bar - 85%/Bench - 75%
- Week 9: Trap Bar - 70%/Bench - 70% (last week of spring season)
The idea is that we'll always come back to a "light" week as a sort of reset. I don't know where I got this idea. I'd love to think I came up with it on my own, but I'd bet I read about it somewhere. The athletes always have the option to do a Deload Week (70%) if they feel like shit.
The initial plan is to do sets of 5 all season. This may change as I go along. I'm also giving them the option to do a PR Set (capped at 10 reps) or to work up (2, 5% jumps after percentage of the day is hit) on the 80% and 85% weeks. They don't have to. They'll have the option.
We have 3 weeks until we play a game again so I'll use this time to fine tune the areas where I think there will be issues. In theory, by the time we start our conference play I'll have this pretty dialed in. We'll see how smart I am.
Always appreciate you reading my stuff. I still reference that article you sent me. It's required reading for all of my new assistants.
5's Pro - like you mentioned. The percentage represents the top set for the day. They work up following the 10% jumps like 5/3/1. Today we actually did exactly what you mentioned. It looked like this.
80% Week.
Warm-up: x5
Warm-up: x5
Work Set 1: 60% x5
Work Set 2: 70% x5
Work Set 3: 80% x5
Joker Set 1: 85% x3
Joker Set 2: 90% x1
I only do the Joker type sets with the 80% and 85% week. In my current set-up (progression) it's 80% or 85% every other week so there's always a light week (75%) in between. In theory, the kids could work up every other week.
Off-season, I could see working up every other week, as well. If you use the 3/5/1 progression it works out perfectly.
Hope this makes sense.
If you're thinking about neck work for yourself I wouldn't waste any time worrying about lateral movement. We're just meatheads. Do some shrugs and harness and move on with your day. As long as your shirt collar is getting tighter you're doing it right.