We are two weeks into the season. I have a good set-up for how these lifts will go. It's organized, simple and leaves a lot of room for variety if I want to give it to them. With two lifts a week I'm trying to get as many different movements in without overdoing it. I tend to believe in doing as little as possible, especially in-season. I constantly have to remind myself that they are not here to lift weights. They lift weights to improve their football/athletic abilities.
Anyway, here's what it looks like:
Assistance -Back/Neck/Traps
- Pull-ups/DB Row/Fat Mans (their choice): 5-10 reps each set
- Neck Flexion/Extension: 2x10-15 each
- Shrugs/Kirk Rows: 10-15 reps each set
- 10 minute clock (most get between 5 and 7 rounds)
Main Lift
- Trap Bar (they can Squat if they want during the non-conference schedule)
- Weeks 1-3: 5x5 @ 60/65/70% (their choice based on how they feel)
- Week 4: 80/85% - treat it like a "normal" off-season lift. Work up to top set for 3-5 reps and they have the option to take 1-2 heavier singles. I control this with younger players. The older guys seem to get it and understand it's not about the weight. Its about how fast the weight moves on that day.
- Incline or Press (BB/FBB/DB) or Push-ups/Dips: 5-15 reps per set
Extra (Fill in the blanks)
- DB Squat: 3x5-10
- Hinge (hamstring): 2-3 sets of 5-10 reps (depending on exercise)
- Rollouts/Weighted Sit-ups/Hanging Leg Raise: 3x10
- Pull-ups/DB Rows (optional): 2-3x5-15
- BB Curls: 30-50 reps
Assistance -Back/Neck/Traps
- Pull-ups/DB Row/Fat Mans (their choice): 5-10 reps each set
- Neck Flexion/Extension: 2x10-15 each
- Shrugs/Kirk Rows: 10-15 reps each set
- 10 minute clock (most get between 5 and 7 rounds)
Main Lift
- Bench: 3-Set Progression (10% increases on Work Sets)
- Week 1 and 3: 75% - 5x3-5 at to pweight
- Week 2: 80%x3, 1-2 heavier singles (generally, 85%x1 and 90%x1)
- Week 4: 85%x3, 1-2 heavier singles (generally, 90%x1, 95%x1)
- They can DB Row with Bench if they want (5-15 reps)
Extra/Fluff and Puff
- Optional Hinge: 2-3x5-10
- Optional Single-leg: 2-3x5 each
- Rollouts/Weighted Sit-ups/Hanging Leg Raise: 3x10
- BB Curls: 30-50 reps
- Pushdowns: 30-50 reps
Trap Bar: It's really 3 weeks of FSL (speed/rep work) and a week of heavy work if they feel good.
Bench: Pretty much the same as last spring with a slight change. The 75% week is 5x3-5 and I dropped the Assistance pressing. During the 80% and 85% weeks I'll give them press options if they want to get some work. They get their pressing bodybuilding work on Monday with the Trap Bar.
Obviously, I'm only two weeks in and I don't know how this is going to work. But so far, the guys are executing it tremendously well and they are telling me that they feel good/fresh for practice.
Time will tell.