I'm 2 weeks in with this program. It's too soon to tell if it's working. I have gotten good feedback from the kids, though. Most guys are telling me they feel good and aren't getting beat up.
Trap Bar
This week we had a work up week. They hit 80% x3, 85% x2, 90% x1 on Monday and Tuesday (5 groups spread out over 2 days). I saw the first 2 groups today for their second lift. No one complained about soreness or anything like that. Obviously, we're not very deep into the season, but I'm taking this as a good sign. I'm hoping they start to see we can get some extra "heavy" sets in even while we're playing. As always, they have the option to do a deload week or to just do the regular work sets without the extra ones. Everyone did the extra work today.
Last week was the 80% week so today we were at 75%. Just hit our reps and moved on. One of the thing I'm doing on the Bench is to have them lower the weight slowly (3-5 seconds). I'm preaching slow and controlled eccentric and an explosive concentric.
These workouts are taking 40-45 minutes from the beginning of stretch to the end of the cooldown stretch/mobility. Very efficient.
I haven't made any changes or tweaks, yet. I know they're coming, but so far there's been no need.
I know this isn't a very exciting write-up, but there's not much to report.
I've started thinking about summer training. All kinds of ideas are in my head. I'm making note of them. Eventually, I'll put something in here that's just the ideas. If I can remember to post more often you might be able to see my process. Who knows?
Until next time, train smart - do as little as necessary to get the stimulus you need.