Begin with a little background. I've been suffering since Christmas with some sort of upper respiratory issue, along with mucous that won't quit and a throat cough that I've been able to "hock" up things that need their own anthem and flag.
I also have a training partner that is "that"guy. Everyone needs "that" guy. Mine is (and I'm going to call him because that's his real name) Al.
Al is the guy that no matter what, he has a smile and is concerned for all that is my domain. He has my back from Monolift manipulation to Home Improvements. To date, he has NEVER denied me a favor and is willing to do almost anything I suggest.
Unfortunately for Al, he has the same issue with the "cold" just not as long. Also, Al has sought out medical attention for his symptoms.
In doing so, Al was prescribed an inhaler along with other medications that I'm not willing to take. Not that they're bad, I just don't take medication. To me, medications are primarily designed to mask the symptoms and not get to the cause.
Those that know me, understand that I like to hit in the jugular. Which brings me to my BRILLIANT idea.
Piggybacking off of Niche's philosophy of "that which does not kill you, will only make you stronger", I come up with this pitch to Al.
"Al, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I don't give a rip if you join me or not, but I am going to BLOW OUT my lungs and every thing along with them. I'm going to put the Prowler together and sprint with it until I can't sprint with it anymore. When I reach that point, I'm going to 'ogg with it. (Big men don't jog.) When I can't do that, I'll walk it, then I'll crawl with it. I'm going to push it until I hurl something up that needs it's own National Security. I'm either going to get better or DIE TRYING"
Here's the fun part...Al says, "I'm in!"
After we trained Pin Pull Dead Lifts from the three hole for ONE rep @90%, and our rep effort box squat of deuce and a quarter for eight sets of eight reps (using the Mastodon Bar) I (WE) HAMMERED IT.
1600 total yards in TWO separate pushes, I couldn't go anymore. The 90 lbs did what I expected it to do.
Al on the other hand tossed his cookies not once. Not twice...but THREE massive reverse peristalsis PROJECTILE to boot.
I felt much better an hour and half AFTER the dizziness and confusion subsided. Once I was able to speak again and the headache faded, I finished with GHR for three sets of 12 reps and finally 100 reps of 45 degree back extensions.
All in all, I'd say my practice of "Functional Medicine" (ooh, like that term) is quite aggressive AND practical if you are a masochistic and homicidal maniac. All in the name of SCIENCE MF'ers.
Pull up totals=1319
Push Up totals=1251
Prowler: 2320 yards