Last night I was browsing the Social sites. FB, TWITTER (that's all I have) and I am reading a lot of stupid stuff.
Then I feel myself getting angry. For what? Some irrelevant person's opinions of something he/she has never experienced? Who is the stupid person here? Hmmmm
Couple weeks ago, I started to only promote what I write here on EliteFTS and a few of my Team mates when they are up to date.
Why did I go back to reading news feeds? I have no answer, but what my little experiment revealed is, you can't stop stupidity, but you can side step it with much more productive things.
Be careful what you take in. In the words of Jim Wendler..."You are being lied to".
Close Grip Floor Press: Work up to a heavy single. NOT a MAX
-Legs are outstretched to prevent any use of the glutes
-Crank the pinky finger down HARD
- We worked up to a single of 365 leaving something in the tank
1 Arm Cross Body Tricep Extension using 2 chains per Grenade Ball
Bamboo Bar (Hurricane) with suspended by band 35 lb kettle bells Bench:
Seated Shoulder Press:
-Beat last weeks number
We did 135 last week this week we hit 145
My shoulders sound like a bowl of Rice Krispies. Snap, crackle and POP by simply adding sweat.
Face Pulls:
3x30x100 (It was done on a double pulley system, so around 50 lbs)