![Increase Your VO2 Max by Doing a Kettlebell Swing Ladder](https://www.elitefts.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/kettlebell.jpg)
You can increase your VO2 max by doing a kettlebell swing ladder by picking a weight in which you can comfortably execute 20 reps.
After one rep, put the weight on the ground and take a single breath through your nose. Then pick the weight back up, do two more reps, set it down again, and take two breaths. Keep repeating this until you’ve reached 20 reps.
Breathe while doing the swings! Don’t hold your breath while exercising. The breath time is just your rest time. This increases VO2 max” exponentially.
When you first do this, even 20 breaths is gonna feel like it’s not enough.
But if you do this every day, or every other day, you want to reduce the amount of breaths you take.
So you drop it down to 10 breaths max even when you do 20 swings, you drop it down to 5 breaths, you drop it down to 3.
When you’re at this level, go for a run.
You quickly realize running is easy all of a sudden, and you can just run.
Your lungs and heart aren’t a limiting factor anymore. It’s just gonna be completely tied to muscular endurance, which you can now push even further because your VO2 max is so much higher.
Today's Training:
KB Swing: 1-20
GHR/Ab Wheel: 5x12
Leg Curl: 5x12
Smith Machine Split Squat: 4x12
"Windchime" Deadlift: 10x1 Hang a bunch of 25's suspended via bands. Get them to articulate, get tight, and lift. The end of the rep is when all movement ceases at the top.