Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher Coaching Log: By MGG owner, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion, Eric Maroscher. (Log number XXXII).
This coaching log features Monsterettes Kristin Johnson and Mz. Dawn of the Monster Garage Gym. The purpose of this log is to give a glimpse of insight into the world of functional strength, specifically Strongman training and the role it plays in powerlifting when supplemented into your training program appropriately.
Both Kristin and Dawn are currently top 10 ranked powerlifters in the women’s RAW division (Dawn is ranked #7 squat, #5 benchpress, #9 deadlift, #4 total in the 148LB class RAW women’s master division and Kristin is currently the #3 ranked women’s RAW bencher in the 181LB class open division). Both periodically supplement their powerlifting training on non-max effort days with Strongman movements as they have powerlifting meets coming up (Dawn, in July, Kristin in August).
Often there is trepidation when it comes to implementing Strongman into a powerlifting program, which if one doesn’t have a good handle on their programming in the first place, it is wise to heed those cautionary feelings. Having said that, injecting some strongman into one’s program is more palatable by doing so bit by bit and adding functional training such as found in Strongman movements, when executed correctly and in the proper amounts, only serves to add to ones over all complete strength and power package on meet day. Pragmatically speaking, after finishing up say a squat day, taking some trips, initially with moderate weight with the yoke is a good way to introduce some Strongman movements into your program.
As powerlifters we are typically all or none type of creatures. And with that mentality ingrained within our DNA we operate under the ideology of, if one scoop of protein is good, I will take three, if 10 additional pounds is good, I will add 25, and if Strongman movements can improve my overall power, let me shovel a bunch of them into my training routine. This is where the less is more, aka, hardly ever used mentality, in powerlifting comes in. Sprinkling a little Keg or Atlas Stone work into a routine is a good thing. Blowing out your CNS by going full blown b*lls to the wall is not.
Both Kristin and Dawn have both won at the national and international levels and have been implementing Strongman into their training for years and as part of their meet prep are at the point where then can not only inject Strongman into a longer training cycle, but with proper planning and timing, injected a Strongman competition into their training as a substitute for that weekend’s heavy day. The movements they consistently but not with over frequency apply to their powerlifting training are as follows: Yoke, farmers walk, log press, kegs, Atlas Stones, and tire flipping.
This video shows some highlights from the Illinois Strongest Man competition which was part of the larger Wings of Strength weekend of events production, that Kristin and Dawn successfully used as a training day. The log of the implements is found below in the log section.
*The training/competition footage in this video (filmed in HD, let load to 720 or 1080 for HD quality).
Feel free to go back to earlier coaching logs featuring Kristin and Dawn.
We hope you find this video and log as a whole of use to you in your training. Please let us know by your comment(s) if these logs are useful to you and what we can do to make the better. If you like them, we would appreciate it if you would share them.
As always, thank you for following the Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher coaching log. We hope you found this log and our other prior logs of benefit to you. Ever Onward, Eric Maroscher.
MONSTER GARAGE GYM and Monsterette shirts available at: http://shop.monstergaragegym.com/
Log for Kristin and Dawn's training day/competition:
Yoke sprint: 400LBS
Farmer’s Walk carry for time: 175LBS per handle
Sand bag(s) sprint: bag #1 160LBS and bag #2 200LBS
Suicide Deadlift for reps: 300LBS then 300LBS with the axle barbell alternating from bar to bar for time
Atlas Stone for reps.
Last man standing logs: weight began at 115LBS.
*Kristin broke the IL State Record with a 175LB log press.
Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher coaching log by:
Eric Maroscher, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion, Columnist, Elitefts, Team Elitefts Member, Owner, Monster Garage Gym.
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