I put out an offer on Instagram, Twitter, and The Facebooks last week that if you would ask questions I would answer! Man you guys hammered me so I shot the InstaQuestions as quickly as possible and I'm getting them to you right now!
Tacky on Atlas Stones?
Bench Press, yes or no for Strongman?
Should you and how to incorporate Weightlifting into Strongman and Powerlifting?
Why is Murph So Sexy?
Squat goes up, Deadlift goes down?
What have I learned this year that I'd suggest to others?
Poison Farts?
Could Top Strongmen Dominate Powerlifting?
Accessories for Circus Dbell?
Squats, Deadlifts, and Low Back Pain?
Progression on Farmers and Yoke?
Will Strongman contest continue to get heavier?
Atlas Stone Progression and Volume?
Managing my macros?
What color underwear for Strongman?
Is it possible to compete in Strongman naturally?
Can bodybuilding work in Strongman?
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