I have been in the strength industry a long time. My entry into it could be my first Powerlifting Competition in 1983, my first Fitness Instructor job in 1987 (same year I was training a HS Football Team), First Gym Manager Position in 1988, Personal Training Coordinator Position in 1992, or Founding Elitefts.com Inc in 1998. Either way, I've been around this industry most of my life.
In the early 2000's the internet began to become a bigger player in the industry. Before social media, there were mailing lists, groups, forums, alt.net and a few websites like elitefts.com.
Vetting for content was then, as it still is now... a process, and an interesting one at that. I will just leave this as, a process.
What is interesting for those of us, who were around then, to see today are those who broke on the scene as "experts" 10-15-20 years ago who had little to no real experience. Many were smart and what they were producing was very good, but they were faking it before they made it. This wasn't a mystery to anyone, yet, if their "stuff" was good, they got a pass because they showed potential. In many cases, this has turned out to be a great thing. Those with the potential expanded on it busted their asses and made their way. Those without potential, the drive to work and become better fell to the wayside long ago.
What is interesting now is to see some of these same people advising those new to the field to not "fake it before they make it" and that they need to earn the right to post blogs, write articles, train clients and so on.
What was ok for them is not okay for others. They got a pass based on their ability to put our good stuff but are not willing to extend the same.
This is all weird for me because I do feel you should earn the right but that's not the world we live in. So part of me is happy to see the balance being restored while at the same time another part of me is thinking WTF kind of double standard is this?
Maybe this is just part of the evolution of any industry, and I have not been around long enough to see it until now.
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