This 4-week block will show how we take a group that is totally new to conjugate training and break them in. The team below is one that had an overall low training age. They were also a team that is known to not train when they are home. They are a spring team and this was what we did in the fall with them starting at week one. Because of their training age and lack of work capacity, my main concern was teaching proper technique on everything and trying to get some sort of base built up with their training volume. You'll see more of the volume piece in week two because the teaching in week one takes so much time you won't have a lot of time left over for accessory work.
DAY 1 - Dynamic Lower - no max effort work for 3 weeks
1. Seated abduction - 50
2. standing knee raise - 50
3. Box Jump - 3x5
4. Speed Squat
- Teach to group
- Break off
- Everyone does the bar for 15
- start helping them work up to a speed weight
- once they have a weight set, have them do speed sets of 2 on speed squat until about 3/4 of the group is proficient in their reps.
- this is the main focus of the day. If we have time for accessory
work great but we have to use all the time to get the squats in that's what we do.
Accessories are done in mini circuits of 3 people
5. Back Ext - 3x20 bwt
6. Groiners - 3x20
7. Mendelson sit up - 3x20
Day2- Dynamic Upper
1. micro mini pull apart- 3x20
2. Speed Bench -
- teach bench technique
- everyone does the bar for 12
- groups start doing sets of 3 reps on speed bench. Help them work up to their speed weight
- the group does sets of three on speed bench until 3/4 of the group looks proficient
3. Lat Pulldow - 4x12 - make sure you take the time to coach this lift as well. it doesn't have to be executed to the proficiancy of the squat befroer you move on but your kids need to know how to row correctly. This is also why it's not in the circuit so you have more time to coach it.
Accessories are done in mini circuits of 3 people
4. Banded Triceps - 3x20
5. Chest Supp. Y raise - 3x20
6. Side Plank for reps - 3x20
DAY 3 - DYNAMIC LOWER - no max effort for 3 weeks
1. Seated abduction - 50
2. standing knee raise - 50
3. Box Jump - 3x5
4. Speed Squat
- Everyone does the bar for 15
- start helping them work up to a speed weight. With weaker athletes you can go right to the speed weight. If someone is using 65lbs for their weight there isn't much point in having them do 55lbs for 2.
- 10 x 2 use weight set by the coach.
Accessories are done in mini circuits of 3 people
5. Reverse Hyper - 3x20 bwt
6. Chained knee raise - 3x30
7. One leg up crunch - 3x20
8. Teach and implement banded hip mobility
1. Shoulder clean- 3x20
2. Bench - 5RM
- review technique with group first
- explain working up (this won't be the last time you do it!) and how it should take about 7 sets to get to your final set
3. Close Grip Neutral Grip (CGNG) Lat Pulldown - 4x12 - make sure you take the time to coach this lift as well. it doesn't have to be executed to the proficiancy of the squat befroer you move on but your kids need to know how to row correctly. This is also why it's not in the circuit so you have more time to coach it.
Accessories are done in mini circuits of 3 people
4. Skull Crusher Pushup - 3x20
5. Banded Face Pull - 3x20
6. Banded side bend - 3x20
7. Teach and implement banded shoulder traction