I was concerned coming into the week because of the problems with the muscles/ribs on my right bottom side of my rib cage in the back. Because of my new training rotation, I was scheduled to train back twice this week and I just had a bad feeling that I was going to have more problems or at least keep irritating the existing problem. I don't know if I got lucky or if over the weekend it finally healed enough to not be bothered at all this week.
I admit that I made a few training changes on Monday for my back session and the one that likely helped the most was to not do any rows that weren't supported. I figured if I was training back twice this week it would be wise to wait until later in the week to do unsupported and/or heavier rowing. I also did not do any alternating left to right reps for back like I have been doing a lot of lately. This meant there was little to no rotation of my spine which, obviously, could have exacerbated the problem.
I also decided not to free squat this week as this has caused a lot of issues with my ribs, too, as I have stated in previous logs. Instead, I still squatted but in the smith machine and decided to go with a very wide stance (for me) of which I cannot remember the last time I have opened my stance like this. I am guessing it has been 10 or 15 years because I have always wanted the quad development from my leg exercises - not glutes and hams because I have a pretty sexy pair of glutes. Seriously, I do. I noticed right away that I hadn't used this stance in a very long time due to my hams and glutes wanting to cramp by the 2nd set. I did 6 total working sets. When I say I would rather someone just push my down the stairs instead of walking down them, I am being very serious.
The week has been a very good one with progression in the gym and really good training sessions. The only thing that stands out about the week is I am incredibly distended and cannot figure out why. I haven't changed any of my food sources, at all, and as the week has progressed it has gotten pretty bad. I also didn't feel well yesterday eating my meal on the way to the gym. I was halfway to the gym (I drive an hour each way) and realized I didn't have underwear with me so I had to stop and Kohls to get some compression underwear (the only underwear I wear while I train - for years). It is a gross understatement when I say I destroyed their bathroom. If someone were standing outside of the bathroom it may have sounded like the "Shock and Awe" campaign. I wanted to turn off the lights just to see if there were flashes or something cool but I couldn't reach the switch.
I have yet to figure out what the issue is but I am feeling like a slob. I don't feel any fatter or less lean and I don't really feel as if I am holding more water. I just feel pregnant. And that means I look like a fat slob. If I don't look like one, I certainly FEEL like one. And my weight is not up which is another odd variable. It may just be that I have some GI thing going on and I will be fine in another day or so.
I hope so, cuz I got some burgers to eat this weekend. Just Sayin'.
I have been asked a lot about my music and headphones while training. I just finally pushed my wife to be cool with me getting her her own pair of Jaybirds so that she doesn't have to cram her phone in her boobs every time she does a set. The phone stays there only briefly before shifting or falling out completely. Her headphone wires always fall out or get snagged on something, etc.. I used to have these same problems and would take my ipod and throw it across the gym (cuz I sometimes am guilty of temper-tantruming in the gym over dumb shit like this).
There are a lot of wireless headphones out there now but in my experience I won't use anything other than Jaybirds. They are the single best sound quality out there, water resistant and their warranty is worth the higher cost. I had used mine for over 3 years and then they just quit working. I called just to check to see if I might get lucky with the warranty and the guy took 3 minutes to get my info and said a brand new pair was on their way. That just can't be beaten.
Plus, she can now leave her phone in my gym bag and have no obstacles during her training session.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Happy Labor Day!
Do you find heel type shoes (Romaleos/Adipowers) to be beneficial when squatting compared to a flat soled shoe such as Adidas Samba? Thanks
I just wrote an article that went live Sunday about pelvic tilt and I discuss shoes as one of the 3 main factors that can help reduce or eliminate pelvic tilt.