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Training is therapy!?
I “get it”, I live it and have done a lot of really stupid shit in the gym because I didn’t think I could, or did think I could but wasn’t sure...
Then got pissed off because I wasn’t sure...
Then pissed off because I was pissed off. It’s an cycle that only ends one way.
In every case I did something that was a self imposed challenge with no purpose at all in moving my training forward. I’d say in most cases it moved me deeper in pain and closer to a day I’ll never be able to train again. I’m sure I’ll do it again, and again until the day it puts me out. That’s just “me”. It’s also a part of me I embrace and love so save the DMs.
Physically I’m beat the fuck up and will always be but mentally. I will just leave that there.
I can afford to do this shit. Health has never been a training goal of mine and I highly doubt that’s going to change. Trust me, I’ve been tested on this one.
Back in the day when it really mattered
When I still competed, this shit wasn’t part of the plan. I wanted it to be but knew it was counter productive and I’d be mentally weak to give into it instead of doing what I needed to do to become the most ready I could to compete.
My point is when there is a meet on the line, training can’t be fucking therapy. It has to be like a job you really want to advance at. You can’t say “I do whatever it takes” when the simplest shit to do is control your emotional training compass.
There is no justification when your end game is to compete and be the best competitor you can be. The only justification is that you “kinda” want to be the best. This is fine and cool with me, just don’t be posting you live for it because you really don’t.
Wait until your done competing then you can enjoy destroying yourself and not have it fuck your total up.
If you’re still competing and need “therapy” talk to someone so you can relish a big ass total at the meet.
If your done competing, beat the fuck out of yourself and push your limits as it will help you deal with your days of big ass totals being over.