I'll admit it has taken me MANY MONTHS to cool down from this comment that I got about training with me.
Here is the deal, my gym is free. It always has been and always will be. The major reason for that is that it is my gym and you are a guest and if I don't want you there...I can just tell you to leave. Chances are that if I don't like you, you will know it long before I ask you to leave. I do, however, ask every single person to make a donation to the gym every single session...if they can. LITERALLY IF THEY CAN.
Ilya has donated an "Atlas Stone-ish", sand, huge fan, extension chords, dolly, and recently cat food! He is also nonstop putting out tubs of chalk, pre workout drinks, water, nose torque, mouth pieces, etc... We have went in together many times so far on little things for the gym as well.
I keep a protein tub in the gym and I ask everyone to put something in the bucket if they have it. If something breaks in the gym, it has been proven time and time again that nobody will take the notion to replace it except me. Bent bars, broken stones, and recently I came back from vacation to find some bands broken and left on the gym floor. Nobody offers to replace them so a few coins in the gym donation bucket really comes in handy. Out of tacky and tacky remover? Grab the gym bucket and make an order...
There is no other gym in The Country that has the equipment that I have at my little hole in the wall gym, much less the quality of the equipment that I have and when someone else is willing to pay 100 bucks per month to train at a local gym yet they won't pay A CENT to train with me at my gym...it sets me way beyond fire.
This is my advice...