Ever have that one kid that just doesn't get it? He/she SEEMS to be paying attention but after your done explaining a technique their form goes into the toilet and they act more confused than before?
Have you ever stopped and thought to yourself that it might not be the kid, nor your explanation but the style that you are delivering the message might be lost on that person?
There are three (actually more if you count the combinations) of learning.
1. Auditory
2. Visual
3. Tactile
so if you are delivering an auditory coaching style to a visual person, there will be limited success in the reception of that information.
With some folks all they need is to be told to do something, others need a picture painted for them. While the third group must be physically taken through the exercise.
Your greater success will depend on your ability to distinguish which type of learner the person is, and deliver your coaching to that person in the manner they best can absorb it.
Let me know if this interests you. I can go into detail about the "how to's" if you'd like.
Today's Training:
Bike Commute: 20 min.
Anderson Squat: 4 RM
GHR: 3x10 v mini band
Concept II Row: 23:30
Bike Commute: 20 min