I'm on this quest to educate my participants about having DISCIPLINE rather than motivation. The question comes up in many different ways about doing something or not doing something in regards to the strength, conditioning, and/or esthetic gains, to which I respond...Is doing what you are doing support the life you're trying to create?
Think about that as it applies to the gym as well as the other areas of your life. Does what you are doing support the life or lifestyle you are trying to create?
If the answer is yes, then continue doing what it is that you are finding success with. If it's NOT...then STOP IT!
We are in a collision course with GREAT bodies for this summer. We are in the beginning of the 4th quarter if this were a football game to having one of the most exciting summers of my participation life.
Strong, Conditioned, Smarter, Sexier, and HellaFIT!
Everything we have and are doing has supported our goal towards this particular lifestyle.
Take what has been taught here and apply it to the other areas of your life as well.
168 hours to a week.
Subtract 56 hours for sleep, another 21 (but we will never use that much) for nutrition and if you work 12 hours per day 7 days per week another 84 hours gives us 7 unaccountable hours to fuck up with.
On a different note....
During WWII , U.S. airplanes were armed with belts of bullets which they would shoot during dogfights and on strafing runs. These belts were folded into the wing compartments that fed their machine guns. These belts measure 27 feet and contained hundreds of rounds of bullets. Often times, the pilots would return from their missions having expended all of their bullets on various targets. They would say, “I gave them the whole nine yards,” meaning they used up all of their ammunition.
Disciplina iléus mouth major!
Today's Training:
Tier I
Run: 5K
Bench: Work up in reps of 10 until you reach the dynamic weight from Tuesday. Once there, do 3x10
Incline DB Press: Subtract 10 lbs from Tuesday's DB weight and do 4 sets of 10
OHP: Subtract 30 lbs from Tuesday's weight and do 4x10
DB lateral Raise: 4x10x40
Shrugs: 4x15x405
Tier II
Hip Extension with Knee Band abductions 4x20
super set w/
Push ups: 4x15
12" box step up w/ lateral band tension (abduction) 100 reps each leg
DB Chest Press: 4x25
Hammer Leg Curl Machine Mule Kicks: 4x15
DB LR: 4x15
Ab Wheel: 4x15
Sit up: 4x15