I'm beat up, yada, yada, yada, I seem to say this in every entry. I'm 53 and I train and condition pretty hard. Foam rolling should help, right?
Using a standard foam roller on my quads, it bands, lats, and biceps tendons feels like some type of medieval torture. For it not to hurt I have to hold my body weight up which feels awkward and counterproductive.
As a result of all of my stretching and rehab work my body is feeling increasingly better. It causes me to go back to the well with the dreaded foam roller.
What is it that they say about insanity, it's doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. Yep, it hurts while I'm doing it and usually makes whatever I'm rolling feel worse the next day.
So I have an epiphany the other day, why don't I go look for a softer foam roller? Lo, and behold in less than five minutes I had one ordered.
I'll save you the anticipation, it's awesome. The foam roller I ended up with feels almost like rubber. It's like a wonderful massage. I didn't even shed a tear rolling out my lats and it bands. So rad.
That's it. No need to drone on. If your foam roller beats up you, try getting a softer one. You're welcome.