Let's say you want to bake a cheesecake. The first thing you do is find a good recipe to follow.
That recipe calls for many different ingredients like sour cream, cream cheese, flour, milk, sugar, vanilla...I don't know maybe a few other things but let's focus on perhaps the "sugar"
The recipe calls for two tablespoons of sugar and you put a full cup worth in. That one ingredient that you went ahead and added a shit ton more of now makes that recipe invalid, and whatever it becomes is NOT the cheesecake the author intended.
What does this have to do with anything fitness-related?
Nothing, if you are experimenting with programs on your own. But!!!! I am a control freak.
People are compensating me pretty well for my education as well as my 50 years of experience, so when I tell a person a certain set/rep/weight to use or a particular exercise that I know will benefit the participant, negotiating it drives me batshit crazy.
You are no longer doing MY program. You're doing your own and I have NO IDEA where you are or should be in your progression.
So don't over-sugar the cheesecake, motherfucker! Do what I suggest so I know that it's still edible.
Today's Training:
Shoulder Reliever*
Cycle*: Commute
AirDyne: 10/10/10
Blast Strap Row: 50 reps
Pushups: 50 reps
Back Extensions: 3x8
GHR: 10x10
Squat: 10x10
Ab Wheel: 4x10
Fat Bar Dead Hang: 30 seconds
Front Plank: 45 seconds
Cycle*: Commute