For better or worse, the greatest interview series in the history of interviews is coming to a close.
Everything must at some point.
In the final installment Dave Kirschen and I rapid fire Dave’s Top Five Tips for the Older Lifter.
Listen up younger lifters, this can benefit you too!
- 00:52: Why these tips will help younger lifters
- 01:12: Patience and its different meanings
- 02:20: Listen to your body
- 03:10: Tips for both-have a lot of contact with and older lifters & young lifters
- 03:56: It’s just lifting weights
- 05:00: Nutrition is soooo important
- 05:45: Reduce training or increase recovery
- 06:30: Objectivity- “A Man’s Got to Know His Limitations”, Dirty Harry
- 08:05: Tiny Hands & 80%
- 09:35: More reps
Please enjoy the video below.
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Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
June 12, 2020