I once read that service is not a chore but a privilege.
I’ve also stated that one should feel honored to be asked a question that could easily be answered by Siri, Alexa, or Google. To think someone values your opinion more than what could be more than a million search results is not just an honor but as noted above a privilege.
What we forgot is to not help hurts. You might not think so but giving is a natural act. Yes, many have, do, and always will try to put a monetized value on it but when we see others in pain we want to ease it. When we see someone lost we want to help them get back on track. Even when we know they won’t listen we will still help when they are ready.
This is the root of when the teacher is ready the student will appear. When the coach is ready the athletes will appear.
This goes beyond marketing copy, text, posts, images, video clips and yes even beyond...
This is an internal attribute we all share. Some fight it, some feel they should be paid for it, others feel it’s not their job or they don’t have the time. Maybe these are all different justifications we tell ourselves because we simply aren’t ready to serve.
If you really look around at what you do, see, hear, you will see you are ready because like it or not, there’s more good than bad. Every day you are helping others in your own unique way. Every day you do something that matters to someone. You might not think so but you do. A simple smile can change someone’s day.
I know the strength industry is packed full of great people who need to realize when the server is ready the service appears.
You are ready, always have been. When you live the lifestyle you learn how much all these matters, helps and builds people. Passing it on is not only a natural act it hurts to not do so.
Are the those who are passing on for the wrong reasons?
If you trust your gut they are very easy to see but realize while they may be the most vocal, they are the minority. This is why they are called the “vocal minority”
If you can remember this and to stop stressing over shitty people you will be on your way...