5 pounds seems like no big deal and sometimes it’s not. Other times, it may as well be 500 pounds.
5 pounds can be a PR or the first plate you slide on the bar after a major event. There are times when it can take months just to get back to the bar. I’ve said that the hardest numbers to hit in Powerlifting are 135/135/135. There are also times it may take years to get 5 more pounds. Those who get this know exactly what I mean. Those that don’t... someday will... but, I’m not going to tell you about it.
Why Not?
I was recently asked why I don’t write about all of my surgeries, all of my injuries, tribulations, wrecked relationships, etc. Since 2017, I’ve collected 13 pairs of those cool hospital socks and I haven’t made a post. Why?
In my teens, all I cared about was building a total. I had issues, played other sports, but... whatever, I had weights I wanted to lift.
When I was in my 20’s, I didn’t give a damn what would happen or the price I’d have to pay. I wanted bigger totals. I kinda knew it would add up and would joke with my training partners about it, but... whatever, I had weights I wanted to lift.
In my 30’s, I was unbreakable! If I did break, screw it, I found a way to get back on track and never missed a meet. I wanted bigger totals. Again, I knew the price and was just beginning to pay it, but... whatever, I had weights I wanted to lift.
In my 40’s, I was well aware of the price I was paying, I saw things being taken away from me. Things that passed me by, joints that were barely hanging on. I REALLY learned how hard 135/135/135 could be, but... whatever, I had weights I wanted to lift.
Now in my 50’s, I know what I’ve paid, I know what I’m paying, and I can begin to see what’s coming next and three things I know for sure:
I WILL NEVER strip the innocence, strength, and feeling of invincibility away from anyone coming up. I knew what I needed to know, and so do they.
I WILL guide and advise, but will not derail the driven!
That drive to strain is still there, you know... whatever... I still have weights I want to lift.
5 pounds seems like no big deal, and sometimes it’s not. Other times, it may as well be 500 pounds.