Summer is coming to an end rather quickly. The college kids are getting ready to head back to whatever schools they are enrolled and the graduating high schoolers are preparing for the great adventure of Freshman year.
With all of this is both excitement and sadness. Guess I'm just projecting as a parent would, (will).
It's also that time of year when my own son is ending his "Camps". We had him enrolled in many things to keep him busy and to tire him out. We also wanted him to learn new things.
He enrolled and attended:
A few hockey camps, Football camps, Basketball Camps and Lacrosse Camps. We also had him and he did enjoy a writing camp and did a ton of reading.
The last Lacrosse camp was of particular interest. Usually my son is the youngest among the camp goers and plays "UP" because...well...he's my kid! (kidding, he's just that good). Doing so, has in the past made him somewhat of a team "sweetheart". His good nature, and his innocence coupled with his drive and determination as well as his radar lock on eyes when you talk to him, leads many coaches to immediately like him, and over look some of his antics.
Hunter came home yesterday ready to quit SPORTS! After a quiet ride home, and a quiet afternoon, my constant prodding (more like pestering) got to him, and he told me (his version) of what happened and why he is ready to become a Professional Mine Craft participant.
His day started poorly and continued "down hill" through out the day. In part because he got caught goofing around in the line waiting for his turn at a drill.
His version, he was just trying to help...yea, I know. I've been around coaching and athletics most of my life and have heard THAT before.
Anyway, when he gets up this morning and was ready to pack it in because of the "bad day", I told him to "suck it up buttercup! Everyone has bad days and yet they get up and go to work. This won't be the last time you will want to pack it in, but because you are a Selkow, you have to live up to the reason for halting the operation, and that's because you were killed dead! Now get up, and Go To Work!!!"
So, he did. He worked his ass off and kept his mouth shut. He played no grabasstic games waiting for his turn and he kept that intense 1000 yard stare of concentration while participating. He also got to have FUN with the water fight at the lunch break and then at the end of practice playing water balloon toss with lacrosse sticks (THIS is a lot of fun even if you don't know how to throw with one)
He then was recognized as "Player of the Day" and got MVP. His smile was from San Jose CA to Syracuse NY wide and he gave the camp a rating of 8.9/10.0.
As is the rule in our family, after EVERY practice/game/tourney we thank ALL coaches for taking their time and giving it to us. (this is especially important when shaking hands with the oppositions coaching staff, because we learn stuff from them too)
Also, he has been drilled to tell me the color of the eyes of everyone he shakes hands with, therefore he puts that RADAR LOCK onto your eyes too.
Tomorrow is his Birthday! 8/15...we are heading to Great America for the celebration. The goal is to eat so much that it hurts then ride all the rides that will make you puke. GOOD TIMES!
Today's training:
1. Close Stance Low Box (10-12 inch) yoke bar squats with close stance (shoulder width or closer)
* Work up to a weight that feels heavy for three reps. Rest, then repeat this weight for 3 reps
2. GHR
* 3 warm up sets of 5-8 reps
* 2 weighted sets 25 lb vest of 5 reps
4. Back Raises
100 reps