If you have been following me, you know how open and uncensored I can be. As a product of that, most of the people I attract to my program are right there with me. Just unfiltered and politically incorrect. I makes for a GREAT training atmosphere.
The really cool thing about it, I have women that are just as RAW as the fellas.
Today while we were changing the spot rails on the EliteFTS Collegiate Rack, Lara...(I'll call her that because that's her name) is finding it hard to get the pole and hole aligned at 5:30 AM.
My mind goes right into the gutter, with the thought, "and you girls expect US fellas to do this shit in the DARK too", when out of no where, she looks me straight in the eye and tells me..."It's NOT my job to find the GAZUNTA" I had never heard the word before and that was funny enough. Putting into the context, it became down right HILARIOUS. I busted out laughing as she did as well.
Then she winks at me and tells me..."Its harder to put it in when it's this dry" Which I immediately fire back...SPIT ON IT!
Again, the two of us laughed for four sets of abdominal contractions from the diaphragmatic breathing.
I love these people.
Training today:
1000 rep Arm day:
Barbell Curl: 5x20
Supine DB Tri Ext: 5x20
DB Curl: 5x20
Cable Tricep Pushdown: 5x20
Hammer Curl: 5x20
C/S Tricep Kick Back: 5x20
Seated BB Curl from thigh to chest: 5x20
Dips: 5x20
Concentration Curl: 5x20
Overhead Tricep Ext: 5x20