I have been teaching for a while the simple notion of "getting it done". In fact, I will often end my directions for the day's workout with..."now, get it done".
I have implemented a shit ton more conditioning to my program. We tend to forget the AND Conditioning when it comes to Strength and Conditioning.
One assignment is a Three mile run. I will send people home with "homework" and tell them to "just run three miles".
I'm not telling them to PR a World Record in a 5K, nor beat last weeks time...no! Just go run three miles. "Coach, should I...???" NO! Just go run three miles. "But I need to get ready for that. Will I need another round of pre workout? Do I need to hydrate more? Do I....blah, blah, blah???" NO! Just go run three miles! One foot in front of the other, and don't stop if you can keep going.
Today, one of my Athlete/Coaches had his team out warming up with a few laps, in which he was doing his three miles. As they were gasping for air, and dreading the task, he kept a mild pace and had conversations in a normal tone as he ran up on each of his team members.
When he relayed that message to me, I turned to him and asked. Any questions as to why I have you doing certain things at certain times? He laughed, and kept smiling when he returned conversation with "Nope! I will never question the madness ever again."
I hear often enough since I've turned 60 years old a few weeks ago, "I want to be in your shape when I hit 60..."
I have TWO thoughts and one response:
Thought 1: Did you just call me old?
Thought 2: No you don't want to be in this shape when you turn 60, you want to be in this shape NOW! I can STILL tear the ass end off a charging Rhino.
But my one response...."Thank you".
(good thing those think bubbles never really appear over a person's head)
Anderson Squat: set up EXACTLY the same as last week...instead of doing 6 reps, cut it down to 4 and work up slow to the heaviest (which should be 5-20 lbs more)
Normal Box Squat: 4x10@55% of the heaviest Anderson
Rear Stepping Lunge: 4x10
GHR: 4x10 w/ 5 pound plate under the chin
AirDyne Bike: 17 minutes