This is my training log! Written for the people that are following my programming in remote and far away places from my gym! A+
I'm not going to put videos or a lot of photos. I don't go around taking pictures all day of my gym and the training. Why? I don't have a phone and I won't get one and I think those that are taking time to do that stuff and placing it on EVERY social network are simply NOT as intense as they THINK they are. It is my niche to be a throw back.
If this log is a relic and there is no purpose for it, let me know. Otherwise, sit in your chair, shut your mouth, and know your role.
There was a time when the crazy idiots would just yell crazy idiotic things in the streets and everyone would ignore them. NOW, they have a keyboard and an audience.
Team Training:
C/S Row: 8x13x85
Wide Mag Bar Lat Pulldown: 1x As many reps as you can x 120
BB Curl: 8x13x50
Preacher Curl w/ Zig Zag Bar: 1x As many reps as you can x 45
Skull Smasher: 8x13x50
Tricep Rope Push Down: 1x as many reps as you can x80
Concept II Row: 20 minutes