It's little things and moments that I pay strict attention to.
"Baby it's cold outside". Before the rising sun, the stars were VAST and the air was down right cold. (hahaha, for me that is. I remember when I lived in Ithaca 50 degrees meant bathing suits and sun reflectors.)
While April bundled up, my attempt is to not change my habit of rolling out of bed onto my knees, a quick "we have this God. In the name of Jesus...Giddythefuck up" Dress in my standard PT shorts and t shirt. Throw a pair of gloves and a hat and off we go!
Cooper for as old as he is getting had constant tail wag, and easy gait.
Boomshakalaka...and Done!
I get back into my "office" and read the first "Direct Message" and it's from Nicole Mason. (yes, Nicole. I told April about our on line INSPIRATIONAL affair that we have conjured. She's ok with that because I don't need to wake her up any earlier. hahahahaha)
and Mrs. Bruce Mason writes "Morning Boss! How was your run?"
This coming from a hummingbird of a women who CRUSHED a Powerlifting meet. She should be sore, and tending to herself and she is STILL concerned about MY training. What's not to like about that?
Today she is going to assist her MONSTER of a husband in his endeavor to whoop his previous best in Squatting, Benching, and Deadlifting.
Couples that can pick a common interest outside of the (wink, wink, nudge, nudge ...Ya Know????) just seem happier in my opinion. Not that you don't have differences, you're suppose to have differences. It's that Yin/Yang thang. Balance!!!
Now that I am beginning to ramble, let me leave you with this...
"Be thankful for nights that turn into mornings. Friends that turn into family and dreams that turn into reality"
Today's Training:
Run: 10K
AirDyne Bike: 20 minutes