I am sure everyone has heard about what the word "assume" means. The part of making an ass out of you and me is not far off.
There are parts of training that as a coach I can only assume are being done without writing it into the program.
Well guess what? They aren't.
I'm not upset over folks NOT DOING for themselves, but the part that I kick myself in the ass over is that for many years I assumed they would and were.
I don't make that assumption any more.
Over the last three months (yes, I don't start programs in January I get them going back in December) I have written into individual's programs the IMPORTANT things for that person to bring up THEIR weakness.
While the general recipe is the same, many people have their own special needs in order to obtain the yearly goal.
What I've been doing is verbally adjusting the day to day "accessory" exercises based on that person's weakness.
Today, I'm looking at the group and the people that make up different "crews" and notice how they are changing (for the better of course) and reaching goals at a quicker rate.
What are some of the suggestions?
Instead of always doing the same things, some people needed more:
Mobility work
Flexibility work
More intensive CONDITIONING
Food suggestions
Restoration ideas
Change in accessory and supplemental exercises away from the groups.
among other things.
If you always do what you've always done, you'll only get what you already have.
If you want to change your life, you need to make changes in your life.
Today's Training:
Reverse Hyper: 125 reps
Back extension: 4x15
Dead Lift: 12x1x70%
OHP: 4x10
DB LR: 4x10
DB FR: 4x10
KB "bouncing" shrugs: 4x10