I have been so far behind on everything the last two months. You name it, I've been running my tail off to get things done and I've fallen behind. My training blog here at EliteFTS is behind (I have apologized), I haven't kept up my YouTube account, I've barely shaved, still haven't washed my car, the house is more than a mess, and the list goes on longer that I'd like to admit.
I spent August and September hammering away at life and it just seems that no matter how hard I hammered at it, it just hammered back just as hard if not harder. I've been ready to just lay down and give up for a while now.
If you know me closely you will know that my son, Luke, is Autistic. He does not speak, among a host of other social gems that don't make sense to most people. He is my buddy and he really does have my heart and to him, Dad is the greatest thing in The World (although French Fries, YouTube, and The Minions rank pretty high on that list too).
It was after 3 AM Wednesday and he became fixed on this one particular YouTube video and and I couldn't figure out WHY. But if he shows healthy interest...I'll stay up till after 5 AM to see where it goes. Thursday he repeated this. Friday, the same. By Saturday I was beyond exhausted from lack of sleep but then he sat with me on the couch and then THIS...
If your child is on The Spectrum...you know how much this means.
Maybe I'll stay behind on life for a little while as long as my little buddy wants to sing to me.
Training videos and writing?... Humm... honestly, there's not that much to be shared today that you can call a real contribution, individually. Collectively, I'd say we're doing pretty good. Dave is the pilot, don't worry, he's got it.
Now: "DAD" is not a collective job. It's yours, and you're doing just super.
Good job, dad.