It’s rare that I see an exercise I haven’t seen before at my advanced age and time in this industry.
Well, right before we got shut down I saw Alex doing something on the Reverse Hyper that made me take a second look.
Because I've Never Seen This Before!
I decided to grab my camera and shoot it because it looked pretty Awesome.
I call them Frog Hypers or Alexes.
Give them a shot.
They work your glutes, glute medius and the rest of what I call the Side Ass like you can’t believe.
And, you don’t need a Reverse Hyper to do them.
Hang off a GHR or another bench and use bands or ankle weights for resistance.
Try ‘em out and let me know what you think.
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Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
March 26, 2020