Usually, I will bring in the New Year like a bat outta hell. I hit the gym hard, not watch any of the bowl games, you know..."business as usual".
NOT THIS YEAR! You want to make a change in your life, you need to make changes in your life.
I POWER lounged and slacked. I watched 14 hours of Football and ate like a Jabba.
April and Hunter were up in my stuff wanting to do things because they were bored. I told them, they should enjoy the Slack Ass mood, because tomorrow will bring in the PERFECT STORM!
Today was that storm.
Total number of push ups=200
Incline DB Chest Press: 10x13
Flat DB Chest Press: 10x13
DB Seated Shoulder Press: 10x13
DB Shoulder Crank: 3x15
All done without a rest. The push ups were the rest between sets
Total time of this session=50 minutes.
All done before there was light outside.
Photos taken too