I was listening to a few RUMORS today, you know he said/she said, stuff. When I was asked what my thought on the subject was, I replied, I have none! I reserve judgement when I hear the story at its source. If I'm curious, I will ASK. If it hasn't affected me nor will it, I don't ask. It saves me from a lot of hassle.
I will always tell the truth when asked! I won't make it flowery or pad it, but on the other side of the coin, I won't become an ass about it either. I save my opinions and tell people that it's ONLY MY opinion.
Lastly, whenever volatile subject matter is approached, I will ask myself ONE question. What is the ultimate outcome I am seeking?
Then I work my answer BACK to that outcome.
No need winning Battles when you are going to lose the War.
Today's Training:
Dynamic Effort Squat: 10x2@50%
Dead Lift: 10x1@50%
Reverse Hyper: 4x10@180
20" Box Single Leg Squat: 5x10 each leg
Bike Commute: 20 minutes