Yesterday we had the squad hit heavy band tension with 70% weight on the bar for 6x1. We had a groupcome in on Sunday and others are coming in today. Love the progress everyone is making for the July 8th meet in Tenn. we have 6 lifting at the meet and a lot going to help. Looking to have two raw guys total over 1800lbs and a couple geared guys over 2000lbs. Our two females should both total more this meet and jump on the all-time best top 10-20 lifters on their weight class.
For the rest of the week we have a rep method upper day, a Heavy lower and upper day. We are getting close to our heaviest lifts of this training cycle. Want to make sure to get this done at the right time so everyone an rest and peak at the meet not at the gym.
Business is steadily improving. In this industry as long as bills are paid and you have money for the family all is good. The biggest hardest part of owning a private facility (20,000 square foot) is keeping it clean. We have cameras which help a lot when I see crap all over I can look back and see who is doing it.
As far as for myself same old boring story. Trying my best to keep some muscle mass but it is nearly impossible when you feel like shit from a crappy heart. And being one diuretics for 2 years now also doesn't help. Just taking one day at a time and trying my best to exercise here and there.
We have gone to a event the last three years for national donut day and went again this year with about 15 of our lifters and clients. Had a great time at Strange Donuts event. If you are ever in the STL area make sure to check them out, great donuts and real cool area they are located in.