I am really pleased to announce I will be holding a seminar at Gaglione Strength in Long Island, NY on June 11th. John has built his facility from the ground up. It's been my pleasure watching him grow from a start up to a very successful coach himself. I am honored that he invited me to hold this clinic.
See John's EliteFTS articles CLICK HERE
Here's a little background, when I decided to dedicate myself to getting as strong as possible I sought out some of the best benchers in the world to learn from. I traveled over ten hours each week to train with one of the best equipped benchers in upstate NY and one of the best raw lifters in MA. It was no accident I ended up benching 900 equipped and over 600 raw in competition. You become one of the best by learning from the best.
More important than my lifting stats is the fact that I can coach. I have worked with hundreds of lifters over the years including men and women from high school age to masters plus. Many of the competitors I have worked with have become top ten lifters themselves. I take great pleasure in hearing back from all the men and women I have helped over the years. Giving back is what makes this sport so great.
The day will start with a discussion on topics including, but not limited to programming, special exercises, mental preparation, recovery, nutrition, and technique. That will be followed by hands on coaching. We will conclude with a question and answer session.
To see more of my articles, training, and coaching logs CLICK HERE
There are only twenty spots and they will fill up fast, there will be no exceptions. I want to be able to give everyone the individual attention they deserve. Come out and learn to be a better bencher and lifter.