I made a statement to the fact that returned a few different objections.
Often, I am guilty of believing that people should already understand what I am thinking. The nerve of those incapable of reading my mind. Hmmmmph.
Just because I CAN procure STUFF, doesn't mean I should in this case.
I have a small room which is comfortable with "x" amount of people in it with the furniture I posses. When I add either more people or more STUFF the space becomes...well...cramped, and unusable.
In both variables I have the option of either additions. I can add more people, AND I can add more furniture, BUT I shouldn't because there will be less room overall and things will become unusable!
I can EAT a dozen hard boiled eggs. I DON'T for the safety of those around me.
My bud, Clint Darden offered another take on it. He said, "because I SHOULDN'T doesn't mean I won't"
I CAN squat a crap ton of weight (and I did on Friday) but I shouldn't have done it, because I am paying the price of extreme pain in my sciatic nerve today.
I SHOULD have stuck to exercises that would HELP alleviate the condition and foster a healthier back. But because I COULD lift the heavier weight, I did.
While I do agree with him, I say take caution with such a decision. (electric stim is going on in a few minutes, and stretch exercises will be done through out the day)
(Side Note to "Uggs" Alexander Juan Cortez Emilio Estevev Bernardo Cultivatius...Avoid getting old at ALL cost. This stuff hurts and it won't be any different for you either. FACT!)
We have ALL had eyes that were bigger than our stomachs. We have also all experienced the after glow of the infamous "food buzz". (A dozen large pizzas half of which were pepperoni, a box of donuts, AND leftover Jelly beans=bad bad news)
Don't need to CRAM stuff. Don't need to become a Blivit which is roughly defined as "10 lbs of dog poop, in a five pound bag".
Less in this instance is better. Sometimes you just need to sit back and say..."No"