Training Week
Mon and Tue = Off
Thurs and Friday = Off
Back Work
Swiss Bar Pulldowns
* 4 warm up sets 10
* 2 work sets each grip (6 total) for 10 reps (2 reps shy of failure)
Comfort Grips Close Grip Pulldown
* 2 warm up sets 10 * 4 work sets 10 (2 reps shy of failure)
4'' Grenade Straight Arm Pulldown
* 4 work sets 12-15 (to failure)
Low Row with MAG Grip
* 2 warm up sets 15
* 4 work sets 10
Back Raises
* 4 sets 25
For some reason Wed training destroyed my back, my lats and upperback were very sore. On Thursday night I did Tsunami Bar Pull downs and Grenade Pull Overs to work the soreness out. I would guess and say I did 8 sets of 15-25 of each movement. The weight wasn't heavy and I could have done 10 or more reps at the end of each set. The goal was to just get the lats moving. Friday morning the soreness was gone
leg work
Leg Extensions
* 6 warm up sets of 10 reps
Superset: Leg Press (10 reps) + Leg Extensions (10 reps)
* 3 warm up sets
* 4 work sets
Superset: Machine Squats (8 reps) + Leg Extensions (6 reps with over-forced eccentrics) <-- this means someone pushes the weight down as you fight against them
* 3 warm up sets
* 4 work sets
Seated Leg Curls
* One set - 30 full reps and 70 partial reps
Hip Adducation & Hip Abducation
* 2 sets 20 reps
chest work
Dumbbell Presses
* 7 warm up sets of 10
* 3 work sets of 10 (4 -5 reps shy of failure )
Incline Shoulder Saver Bar Presses
* 5 warm up sets of 5
* 3 work sets of 5 (2 reps shy of failure)
Cambered Bar Bench Presses
* 3 warm up sets of 10 reps
* 3 work sets of 8 reps (2-3 reps shy of failure)
Comfort Grip Cable Flies
* 5 sets 10-15 reps (to failure)
Not the greatest training week in the world but also not the worst. Just doing what needs to be done.