Over the past few weeks I've noticed a trend. A trend in "Cherry Picking" my programming.
I work off a yearly schedule and revolve it around times of the year when I think people need more of some things rather than others. I will "customize" it based on individual specific goals.
However, I will put in a small block here and there when I notice some folks not doing the "homework" or start to CHOOSE whatever the fuck they want.
When the cherry picking begins because certain people don't like my "Pop Your Heart" Wed which is a Conditioning day, they simply don't come. They wait until Thursday because we traditionally bench on the Throat Punch Thursday.
They may skip Friday, because they want to work their biceps and not SQUAT.
Soooooo??? I switched the days. When they come in on the day they THINK we're suppose to do something they like...BAM! We're doing something else.
You should have heard how many times the phrase..."We're squatting today?" came up.
You get what you NEED first, and what you want second!
Today's Training:
Dynamic Box Squats w/ SSB Yoke Bar:
10x2@55% +a few clusters of chains
Dead Lift: 10x1 @55% and a couple clusters of chains.
GHR: 5x15
Calf Raise: 100 reps