Every now and again, you can be doing everything right and something will go haywire just to remind you that you aren't a god with divine strengths.
I make sure that I'm hydrated and warm prior to making any lifts. Then as we head into the upper weight categories I make sure we do the proper incremental increases to alleviate any potential for injury.
Well boys and girls, even when you do those things, concentrate on technique more than anything, sometimes...KaBOOM! Something will let go that you weren't expecting.
This morning my hamstring strained while working up to a four rep max Good Morning.
The "POP" sounded and I got stapled to the floor.
In times like this, my preference is to be left alone and let me become worm bait! Although one of my training partners did come over to give me a hand up from the floor. (But to be honest, I think he wanted to get his set in before I grew roots. hahaha)
After letting my body settle I went through and did my "check engine lights". The Good Mornings came to an abrupt halt, but I was able to do Rehab Squats, and Rehab Leg Curl, so I'm thinking that it's only a mild strain.
The BEST thing about it??? I can't feel any worse right now, so it's UP from here! hahahaha
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Pull-ups: 6x2
Dips: 6x5
Chin-ups: 6x2
Push-ups: 6x5
Good Mornings: Work up to a 4 rep max then do two more working sets at that weight
Reverse Hyper: 3x15
GHR: 4x12