Elitefts Readers,
On the heels of the letter I sent yesterday and my commitment to being more transparent
I wanted to comment on what many of you saw with the site last night: The top tool bar was missing and all the articles and logs vanishing from the site.
This is one of the initial site development issues that has been on the “to do" list since December. Our partner Gorilla Group
...has been working on completing this task and hopes to have it resolved on the 23rd of this month.
In the meantime, and what we have been doing since we launched in January, we (actually me) will continue to check the site every 30-60 minutes to make sure the content is still up. If I see it is not, there are 3 simple steps I take to get those pages back up again. There are times I will forget to check the site or am sleeping (like what happened last night) and will miss when those pages vanish. Rest assured as we have been told this is a high priority issue and will be resolved asap.
Thanks for the understanding and we work through these last issues,
- Dave