It finally came to a head yesterday as I am struggling to get a lot of things done in the last couple months due to having to run my kids to and from baseball practice and games, softball practice and games, my son's court/diversion (don't ask) appointments, ortho appointments, dentist and doctor appointments, etc.. Yesterday was a perfect example of just having so much to do that I couldn't get it all done - nevermind the work I had to get done and getting to the gym. I had to wait until today to train legs.
Now, I don't want to give the wrong impression, I adore my kids ... when they are at school and sleeping. 🙂 It is a double-edged sword because clearly it is awesome that I get to take a more active role in my kid's lives by working from home the last 10 years but on the other hand it really is a bitch to get everything done most of the time. It obviously isn't their fault and a big part of the equation is I have to structure my time better and not work as late at night right now while they have so many things going on. Starting Monday I will be up by 9am everyday and instead of working all night until 5 or 6am I will be working only until about 1am or so. For anyone that knows me this is going to be a bitch but it has to be done.
That being said, everything is still going very well as I am finishing up week 6 this week. Firing on all cylinders and gaining size and strength consistently - or as much as you can in 6 weeks. I can't ask for much more at this early stage in my off season.
I have decided to add some calories. I do not like being thicker through my midsection, but I cannot gamble with potentially limiting gains at this time. I don't want regrets later that I tried to stay too lean. I am not going to make a huge jump anyway because if I do I will be routinely bloated and I don't want that. I have to keep digestion efficient and add only enough to help spur new growth without adding too much and bogging down my digestion.
My carb intake is a little higher than usual but still not terribly high so I am adding carbs to one meal right now and upping fats in 2 other meals and will evaluate that after a week or two and see if more calories are needed. I anticipate this increase to only be in the neighborhood of about 350 calories. Yes, that is small but I am not going to deal with distention or bloating due to my system not dealing with the added food well. I would much rather make a smaller increase like this and then in only a week or two, make another adjustment if possible.
I would like my weight to be relatively stable at around 235 in another couple of weeks and it is consistent right now between 232 and 233 though my strength is going up everyday and I keep getting fuller and fuller. I am slightly leaner and I am moving through meals quite a bit quicker so that is why I feel I need the increased calories right now.
This week is a week of killing rest pause and drop sets with a pretty quick tempo in the gym. Great workouts this week so far.
My caloric intake is roughly 3600 calories but keep in mind that I work at home so my activity levels are very low outside of training and I am doing zero cardio right now. I am slowly stepping my calories up every 3 to 4 weeks and very slowly getting SLIGHTLY leaner. So slowly that it is incredibly subtle and hard to tell from week to week.
My diet was 2 high days (2500 cal), 3 medium days (2250 cal), and 2 low days (1500 cal). I realize this was probably too low and may have messed up my metabolism, complicating my calorie increase.
I am 6'2", 190 lbs, 19 years old. Any advice on how to properly increase my calories to get into "offseason" mode would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!