This installment of the Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher Coaching Log covers WPC World Powerlifting Champion, Steve Brock's, RAW bench training session.
Every training session has lesson to it. In other words, you learn something from each and every workout. For those that can’t say there was a lesson, I would respectfully state to them, that they are not paying close enough attention. Each and every session your body is sending you a message, it is providing you with invaluable feedback about the weight, your form, your health, energy level, the state of your nutrition, the fit of your gear, virtually everything. The point of this lesson is to illustrate the point of knowing when to say when. In other words, when to voluntarily “shut it down” for the night as opposed to having to shut it down due to an injury.
Steve had a great 2014 season and is putting in time getting back into competition shape following a season which included competing at the APF IL State Meet, APF Senior Nationals and WPC World Powerlifting Championships.
*Filmed in HD: Load to 720 or 1080 for HD
During this training session, Steve spent time talking with Baby Huey, one of the young up and comers at the MGG, about listening to your body. The irony, is that Steve’s own advice was the great advice he took when he felt something pull a bit in his pec during his set of 405LBS RAW x 5. Because of past lessons, Steve has learned that sometimes it is best to retreat from the training that one day in order to continue to train through the entire cycle. Sometimes, less IS more.
PHOTO by MGG: Steve Brock, 25 years apart. (Left: Training for the 2014 WPC Worlds) (Right: Competing in the 1990 WPC Worlds).
Steve is a WPC World Powerlifting Champion and has been in the game for a quarter of a century. Powerlifting is not just about lifting big weight. It is about lifting big weight over a long period of time. Longevity is rare in powerlifitng, but you can find it if you look long enough. Knowing when to "shut it down" is one important clue to the mystery of longevity.
Below you will find Steve’s workout and accompanying video (above) of some of his working sets. Ever Onward, Eric Maroscher/Owner: Monster Garage Gym.
Steve Brock:
Steve: “For the next 8 weeks I am wearing a bench shirt every other week. On off shirt weeks I am doing a progressive 5x5 flat bench workout with supplement chest and tricep work. This was my 2nd 5x5 workout or week 3 of 8.
Warm up
145X10 2 sets
185x10 2 sets
225x10 2 sets
275x10 1 set
315x10 1 set
Working Set
365x5 1 set
385x5 4 sets
405X4 1 set
On my 5th rep at 405 I felt a strain in my chest muscle leading me to shut it down. Having gone through a pec surgery a few years ago I tune into what my body is telling me during the workout. This is imperative to preventing major setbacks especially as we train and compete after 40. Ordinarily I would have done some additional dumbbell work with some light lat pull downs and then finished with 9 sets of tricep work.”
We hope this video and write-up from our coaching log is beneficial to you. Special thanks to Steve Brock and the Monsters at Monster Garage gym. Ever Onward: Eric Maroscher
Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher coaching log by:
Eric Maroscher, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion. Columnist, Elitefts. Team Elitefts Member. Owner, Monster Garage Gym
Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher coaching log training footage of: Steve Brock, 1,000LB squatter, and WPC World Powerlifting Champion.
Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher coaches log training footage of: Steve Brock, You can follow Monster Garage Gym at:
https://www.youtube.com/user/MPTPowerlifting http://www.monstergaragegym.com/